buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title PurrScroll - The Finest Cat Videos style.css header class hero nav div PurrScroll class logo div class nav-links a Trending href #trending a Favorites href #favorites a Breeds href #breeds a Upload class cta-button href upload.html div class hero-content h1 The Internet's Best Cat Videos p Curated collection of the most purrfect feline moments a Watch Now class primary-button href #trending main section id trending class video-section h2 Trending Videos div class video-grid div class video-card video src videos/trending1.mp4 controls h3 Cat vs. Cucumber p 2.1M views div class video-card video src videos/trending2.mp4 controls h3 Keyboard Cat Returns p 1.8M views div class video-card video src videos/trending3.mp4 controls h3 Tiny Kitten Yawn p 1.5M views section id favorites class video-section h2 Staff Favorites div class video-grid div class video-card video src videos/fav1.mp4 controls h3 Cat High Five p 4.7M views div class video-card video src videos/fav2.mp4 controls h3 Purr Machine p 3.9M views div class video-card video src videos/fav3.mp4 controls h3 Ninja Cat p 3.2M views section id breeds class breeds-section h2 Browse By Breed div class breed-grid div class breed-card style background-image:url('images/siamese.jpg') h3 Siamese div class breed-card style background-image:url('images/persian.jpg') h3 Persian div class breed-card style background-image:url('images/maine-coon.jpg') h3 Maine Coon div class breed-card style background-image:url('images/bengal.jpg') h3 Bengal footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a About href about.html a Contact href contact.html a Privacy href privacy.html p A celebration of feline grace and comedy script.js